
Showing posts from February, 2016

Top 5 reasons to do this right now

Right now is the best time to get the most value from nutrition & fitness as well as your dollar! Hurry, promo ends 2/28. Please don't miss this opportunity - contact me at if you want more info and share this with your friends that have been talking about CHANGE! It's to  be honest with ourselves  and acknowledge the things that we are unhappy about, so that we can TRULY make a strategy to change. If we're in denial, we'll never get the results that are possible for us, wouldn't you agree? Top 5 reasons to click below & purchase a challenge pack: 1. The program + nutrition combination is scientifically designed to give your body the path of least resistance - there is a difference between eating less & eating right.  2. To purchase these items separately would add at least $70 to your total - it's simple math to purchase these together! 3. Shakeology is the healthiest and simplest meal option around. The flavor ...

Spring Break is Just around the corner - let me help you!!

I could sure use your help before February 28th arrives!  I have committed to a contest of selling as many challenge packs during the month of February, when they are at their most discounted amounts.  By purchasing a challenge pack , you will help me reach my goal AND get me as a coach to guide you and work right along beside you during your choice of programs, for free! If you want me to call you each day, I will. If you want me to FaceTime or Skype you each day, I will. If you want me to hold your Facebook page hostage and inspire and motivate you each day, I will. I have let you into my world of accountability and I want nothing more than to help YOU reach your goals whether it's to lose a few pounds, get your car and nails healthier, or just commit to a healthy and nutritious lifestyle and break bad habits. Help me help you! Nutrition is half the battle.  J ump-start your nutrition and fitness goals with this  game-changing combo o...

Happy Valentine's Day to all who celebrate it!

I hope that you had a fantastic weekend and that you are happily enjoying Valentine's Day with your loved ones. Even with all of the lovey dovey ness of the weekend, it still doesn't change one thing--it's time to bring tomorrow's Monday morning positivity to your inbox! Let's do this! If you know me personally,  then you probably already know that I am a people-pleaser. It has been a lifelong battle of mine, and it has afforded me a career in customer service for many years but the key to my survival was to find the courage to say "No" to other people (especially to the people who weren't used to hearing it from me.) If this is something that you struggle with too, then this week's blog post is definitely for you. If you have ever found yourself doing something and questioned why in the world you were doing were probably trying to please someone else. Pleasing someone is different than helping someone alth...

Cize Up My World and Make It Look Easy!

“Don’t say you can’t dance, because anyone can dance.” —Shaun T What a week....I've been doing Hammer and Chisel's 60 day program for 33 days and today marks day 34. It's been a fun program and I truly feel I'm getting stronger and more "chiseled" especially in my butt & arms. I also have started Cize which is a 6 weeks program and you practice the same routine for 7 days in a row to get really good at it and during those 7 days you begin to feel more agile and get a confidence in your moves because you've been practicing! It has improved my cardio, for sure! Today is Saturday and I'm embarrassed and still proud to say that Hubs and I stayed in bed with our cats and Netflix until 1230pm! He had a tough work week and I had a late night last night so I guess we needed the rest. Taking time to breath and just be in the moment is something I am learning to do and appreciate being able to do lately. It really feels good t...

3 ways you Self Sabotage without realizing it

My last post was about procrastination and that falls hand in hand to today's post, Self Sabotage! I have to admit I'm guilty of this and it's an easy habit to fall into. Did I say habit? Why would I allow self sabotage to become a habit? Because until you realize you are doing'll keep repeating the process and it will feel natural. What is self sabotage and how does it differ from procrastination? Procrastination can lead or cause to self sabotage or it can just defer a task temporarily. Let's define self sabotage first of all....There's the clinical definition: Behavior that creates problems or interferes with completing long-standing goals. Do you know you have work to do or a project or a mission to accomplish and can't seem to get to it or to get it to completion? 3 ways to recognize self sabotage: Do you rationalize that there are other priorities that should be more important than your long-standing goal and for the sake o...