3 ways you Self Sabotage without realizing it

My last post was about procrastination and that falls hand in hand to today's post, Self Sabotage! I have to admit I'm guilty of this and it's an easy habit to fall into. Did I say habit? Why would I allow self sabotage to become a habit? Because until you realize you are doing it......you'll keep repeating the process and it will feel natural.

What is self sabotage and how does it differ from procrastination? Procrastination can lead or cause to self sabotage or it can just defer a task temporarily.

Let's define self sabotage first of all....There's the clinical definition:
Behavior that creates problems or interferes with completing long-standing goals.

Do you know you have work to do or a project or a mission to accomplish and can't seem to get to it or to get it to completion?

3 ways to recognize self sabotage:

  1. Do you rationalize that there are other priorities that should be more important than your long-standing goal and for the sake of checking off a list, you place that goal on the back burner?
  2. Do you tell yourself that you'll be more productive tomorrow or next time instead of in the here and now and use that thinking to postpone completion of your long-standing goal?
  3. Do you consistently put others feelings or priorities in front of your own to look like the better person or to be liked more by others?
These are just are only 3 of many ways to identify if you are self sabotaging your way through .....doing nothing to reach your goals! These things become habits as you have always let these things get in the way. which in turn, becomes expected of you by others.

Here's an example from my own personal experience:

I have always enjoyed fitness. (The actual work part of the getting fit, maybe not so much but the rewarding aspect, yes)  Fitness didn't come to me. I had to go to it. I had to make time, schedule time, schedule meals and even research ways to be better at it. I wasn't the best volleyball player in High School. I wasn't even tall or all that experienced at playing but I practiced every day with the team. When I became an adult, I joined an adult volleyball league and it was intimidating - whew! I wanted to play and meet people and improve my game but I told myself that I wasn't feeling up to it or that I would try next week because  I had  experienced a hard day at work. The truth was I was afraid of embarrassing myself and I was standing my own way of having fun and staying fit and improving myself....because I was afraid I wouldn't be accepted or liked or I would fail. I missed so many weeks until one day i just did it, I walked into an open gym on a Friday night and asked how I could get on a team.  I really sucked that night because it had n=been forever since I had played and i remembered everything from High school but remember....I wasn't spectacular then and that was years ago!

That night, I overcame a fear of failure and I overcame my procrastination that had self sabotaged my Friday nights for the previous 4 weeks. I met people and I made connections and I found someone to coach me! 
Fast forward to 1 year later and I was playing volleyball 3 nights a week in a competitive league and even picked up a softball night through the same contacts.

Self Sabotage is paralyzing your life when it prevents your from achieving and living your life as you were intended to and it really is a waste of your potential whether you are limiting your long-standing goals or just missing out on amazing achievements that you know you are capable of.

I am a better person for going to that open gym that night -it set me up for a life of possibilities instead of I wish I hads. I became a beachbody coach for this reason - my long term goals have always been to help people achieve their potential and unlock their aspirations they've been sitting on and pushing aside through good health, nutrition, & fitness. It's not for everyone, but it's for me!
I'll help you, too, if you'll allow me!

Look at your long term goals....look at your to do list - learn to prioritize and value yourself and quit the self sabotage! 


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