Cize Up My World and Make It Look Easy!

“Don’t say you can’t dance, because anyone can dance.” —Shaun T

What a week....I've been doing Hammer and Chisel's 60 day program for 33 days and today marks day 34. It's been a fun program and I truly feel I'm getting stronger and more "chiseled" especially in my butt & arms. I also have started Cize which is a 6 weeks program and you practice the same routine for 7 days in a row to get really good at it and during those 7 days you begin to feel more agile and get a confidence in your moves because you've been practicing! It has improved my cardio, for sure!

Today is Saturday and I'm embarrassed and still proud to say that Hubs and I stayed in bed with our cats and Netflix until 1230pm! He had a tough work week and I had a late night last night so I guess we needed the rest.

Taking time to breath and just be in the moment is something I am learning to do and appreciate being able to do lately. It really feels good to relax and enjoy things around me like my pets and my comfy neighborhood and backyard. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to slow down and take much needed time for me.

What are your thoughts on Unplugging? Turning your cell off or putting it in airplane tv, radio, spotify......just sitting and enjoying a magazine or old photo album.  Try it this it more often and take in each and every moment...reflect. 


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