Prioritizing rest, food, oxygen.....

Our bodies need five things to survive:
  • Rest
  • Movement
  • Water
  • Food
  • Oxygen
If we're constantly feeling tired or fatigued, then chances are, our bodies are telling us they need one of these five things. My job keeps me on the go mentally if not physically. I have been blessed with a company phone which means all Christi access all the time, when I have cell coverage :) I struggle with disconnecting when I know there is contribution I can make. I've tried to formulate ways to take time for myself, to take care of myself,  and self-help my way back to the energy I so desperately crave!

 I aim to drink water soon after I wake up. Hydrating as soon as we wake up stimulates our digestion and provides much-needed water for our cells. Is Coffee liquid. Well, yes, but it is actually a dehydrater. I try to slip in some H2o before I reach for my cuppajoe!

I take 10 full, deep breaths. If I have more time I take short 5-minute rests where I close my eyes and shut out the world, except while driving. Taking a few deep breaths gives the brain more oxygen and activates the relaxation response. I've tried to meditate and I've succeeded in small doses but I'll admit it's on my top hit list of things I want to master! 

Eat plants and protein as often as possible. As a busy lady, I often find it hard to prepare nutritious meals, which makes it easy to reach for sugary or salty snacks (which are high GI and promote a blood sugar spike, followed by a crash). I'm no hero when it comes to passing on chocolate but I know eating clean protein and plants with every meal can increase my energy levels and improve my micronutrient (nutrition) intake, leading to a healthier and more energized ME in the long term.

I move. Simply going for a walk can promote cardiovascular health, improve respiration, and promote healthy muscles. I usually take the stairs from my office on the 2nd floor because I feel like wearing heels and dresses shouldn't prevent me from getting my heart rate up a little bit... It's good for me. It kicks in my adrenaline almost as much as a scary movie and sometimes I get winded so I know it’s working.

Lets do a Stretch. Tight muscles and connective tissue can make us feel stiff, unenergized and unmotivated. I have huge tension in my rhomboids (between shoulder blades) from being on a computer and holding my tension's very common for women to hold tension there and in our pelvis. Stretching is a quick way to immediately invite energy into our bodies. I've been known to lie on the carpeted floor of the break room and stretch and yes, there were strange looks but I've had a few get down there with me and stretch along side me.

I try to sit up, straight. Choosing good posture can determine our mindset and our energy levels.  As a new TED-Ed video says, your posture is the "foundation for every movement your body makes." Poor posture actually makes it harder for me to breathe and therefore, it's easy to feel tired and drained.
Today is day 2 of my 21day fix....I had upper fix and that has never been my forte...I think the most pushups I've ever done consecutively are 22 and I was in better form than I am now. Those were boy pushups, btw. This workout was overall toning and strengthening with some muscle confusion. Hubs and I made chicken fajitas for dinner after my walk….I head back to Kansas City tomorrow and back into career mode. I have t admit my calves are sore from yesterday’s workout but that only means I’m making progress towards getting stronger!


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