Creating Career or Chaos

Can someone create their own career? Fifty years ago the answer would be no. In this day and age and with the cyber opportunities afforded to share your  time and talent it is absolutely possible. A Perfect example is Gwen Lawrence. She had a vision of something more than being a massage therapist and something more than mastering yoga and saw what was possible if she pursued helping professional athletes. She married her two visions and produced a program that fell into place for the NY Giants and blew up her career and appeal and opportunities ten fold. She had an idea and worked for it- and it worked for her.

Why not me. What is my vision? I have passion for health and wellness and my mind juggles what possibilities that could mean for me. I am pursuing a new venture beginning in 2016 as I retire from a career I've spent years cultivating and learning from. The opportunity presented itself to do anything else and It felt like the time. I know I want to helps other get fit and nutrition play a bug part in that. Join me and see where it leads!

Today was day 19 of my 21Day Fix: Cardio Fix. I use video quite often during a workout because it helps me review my form. It's quite often I see areas I need to correct, postures, and actual movements that may seem larger than I make them. It's like when you think you are smiling but you're not and someone takes your picture and you look constipated - ha! I put together a video of me performing each exercise in the Cardio Fix workout - this is the workout I dread the most and it really helped me to get through it today with the foresight that I was going to show it to you - ACCOUNTABILITY!  You can view the video here: 21Day Fix: Cardio Fix 27NOV2015


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