
Showing posts from October, 2015

On the road, again!

I am living a double life! Yes, that's right.....I have a full time job in Customer Service and I'm really good at it but in the before and after of my work day, I'm secretly Christi_in_action! I get my workout on and further myself by keeping up with nutrition and wellness..... Today I spent all day sitting in a betterment seminar - I am fortunate to work for a company that invests in it's employees and offers us growth and potential through innovation and presentations. I have another day full of the same tomorrow and am thankful for the opportunity. The best companies in the world know that their people are their most important resource. Which is why they invest in, train, and nurture their employees to help them actually grow. This also is the case for my secret identity, before and after my afore mentioned job. I am a Beachbody coach. What does that mean? It means I find success in motivating and inspiring other to reach their potential through nutrition, fitne...

Countdown to Happiness - Lessons Learned today

It was just a difficult getting out of bed this morning as yesterday, but the chill in the Kansas City air made the covers so comfy.... On to the job site and right into the thick of things....I made many people very happy and I don't recall disappointing anyone I assisted. However, I like to think that I fail or fall short at something at least twice a day. How ever else might I look back, learn,  and better myself? I also watch. I watch many things. I watch and study and consider. Some people are just unhappy people. There's no start or stop to their angst, but perhaps a pivot or turning point from  misfortunate to miserable to indifferent. Maybe they hate their job. Maybe they feel insecure and making someone else feel incompetent helps raise them up. Sometimes it's really obvious the way they carry themselves and sometimes it's a surprise! People watching is a real sport! I learned my lesson today - I don't hate my job! I don't feel insecure enough a...
October......for most it represents National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for some,  National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. For me, it begins an official countdown to the end of a 26 year career and all of the highs an lows I am due to experience in saying goodbye to a job I have an enormous emotional investment in and still seek what new challenges may lay ahead. Today begins my self awareness lessons-I-have-learned each day revelations and you are invited to ride along on my journey. I'm the one in charge of my life, so take charge of it, already, says I! Self revelation #1 Be clear about who you are and who you aren’t. First with yourself, then with others. Honesty is a lot easier than playing a role because you think it’s a role you need to play.  I choose to be adventurous and dynamic and nurturing and inspirational. That's who I am. I am passionate about living and movement and one of my favorite words it "potential" because it sounds ho...