Monday is the Start of Something Spectacular

Just a reminder that my 21 Day Fix  & 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge group starts Monday, 4/18! I can hardly wait to get back to my workouts after the Ultimate Refresh for the last 21 day but I will say I feel great!
If you want to participate in this 42 day challenge group you must order the programs from Team Beachbody:  and  

With the 21 Day Fix meal plan and workout, trainer Autumn Calabrese blends simple food choices that take the guesswork out of losing weight with easy-to-follow workouts that can fit into anyone’s schedule. For 21 days, you’ll learn healthy new habits and lose up to 15 pounds. If you keep them up, you’ll NEVER have to diet again! The program includes six 30 minute workouts, a portion-controlled nutrition system, and FREE & LIVE daily coaching by me!

Autumn ramps up the intensity with the 21 Day Fix Extreme to help you shed off those final pounds and get you that hard body you’ve always wanted. In addition to portion control, you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods…no treats, no cheats, no excuses. It’ll be an extreme 21 days that takes guts, intensity and drive. The program includes six 30 minute workouts, a portion-controlled nutrition system, and FREE & LIVE daily coaching by me as well!

If you are just now ordering, the dvd’s  and shakeology will not reach you in time to start. That’s ok! If you going Club Beachbody for $3/wk, you can stream any program that your purchase online using Beachbody On Demand (B.O.D.) You can jump right in and start with us on Monday! The shakeology will have to come later but it is an integral part of the 21Day Fix program’s success.

Here’s a link to Beachbody Club if you want to see what else you can take advantage of for only $3/wk:

You’ll also have access to a private FB Group as well as the Group Invite through MyChallengeTracker App: 

The app helps you:
-Track your shakeology and workouts for daily accountability 
-Get motivation and support from you Team Beachbody Coach, ME! 
- Connect with people in your challenge group to help you stay on track.

All you have to do is purchase a challenge back, use the app and give me your feedback

Want to know more?! Like, Comment, Inbox me, or complete the form to the right to signup!

Let's get #SUMMERSTRONG together!


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