6 Tips for Procrastinators Who Are Ready To Make Lasting Changes
It has happened to all of us. I have put something off until later and it never came to realization. I've had friends with projects they talked about but never came to fruition. It's so easy to procrastinate and January is the month of the year with the most depression and break ups and not exactly bright and cheery weather. It's so easy to stay in bed under covers, back out of social invites, skip the workout, and order Chinese. I consider myself a productive person but I will admit that I hate waking up early and I especially hate waking up to an alarm. I much prefer waking naturally as light filters into the room or as my cat starts pawing at my blanket for food. Successful people get up early, right? Well, I am only covering procrastination right now :) Why do we procrastinate? Do we think that it'll feel better to do something later than right that instant? I'll be stronger tomorrow than I am today? I'll have more willpower next week than this week? H...