Team Beachbody Super Sunday, Frisco, TX 01/10/16 #Tbbdallas

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to participate with 1500 other friends and colleagues in the largest Team Beachbody event held in Texas. I was able to sample the new Shakeology flavor, Cafe Latte, before it was available to the public, meet new friends and take pictures with Autumn Calabrese, creator of 21dayfix & 21dayfixextreme  and get workout & nutrition tips regarding her newest co-creation, Hammer & Chisel.

Hubs came along & we had great seats for sessions by Casey Walker, Amber Blanche, Danielle Natoni, & Jeremy Redd. There were prizes & photo booths and a fun dance/workout at the end. What a great day!

I met many other Beachbody coaches and well as regular folks who were just fans of the workouts. During the day, any picture tagged #tbbdallas on Instagram was projected up on a big screen so you could actually see your pictures and so could everyone else - it was more fun than the last one I remember!

Do you know exactly what Beachbody coaches do?

A. Beachbody Coaches share with others products they are using themselves that they truly believe in and know get results. They also  provide support, accountability, and motivation to their customers and help them get the best results possible.

Are you wondering what a Beachbody Coach actually does?
This is a great question because I think the word “Coach” actually confuses a lot of people. Beachbody Coaches don’t really “coach” people in the way that the word implies. Beachbody Coaches don’t act as personal trainers that will correct your form and guide you through a workout the way that a personal trainer would. Beachbody Coaches are not required to be fitness experts, and they don’t need to be. Beachbody has created awesome workout programs that are led by trainers who do an excellent job of walking you through every move  of every workout. It really is like you’re working out with a personal trainer in your own home. Beachbody has also created nutrition guides specific for each workout. The workout programs and nutrition guide are all someone needs to be able to get amazing results.
So if Beachbody Coaches don’t actually Coach, what does a Beachbody Coach do?
The answer to this question will depend on the individual Coach. It is important to understand that the word “coach” is just another word for distributor. Beachbody Coaches are independent business owners that make money from all of the products that they sell.
But don’t take the fact that Beachbody Coaches make money for the products that they sell the wrong way. When hearing this you might assume that Coaches are in it just for the money, but this isn’t the case the majority of the time. 
What does a Beachbody Coach do? They share with others products that they use and love.
But don’t think that it required to have an amazing transformation story in order to be successful as a Beachbody Coach, it’s not. It is also not required to be all ripped up with 6 pack abs. You don’t need to be in perfect shape. All that is required is that you are working on improving your own health and fitness level with Beachbody products. Being a “product of the product” is key.
If you've been following this blog or my Facebook page you'll know I've been transforming through the products and I've been sharing this journey with you. 
I'd love to help you in your fitness journey. I'm new at this and really excited to make changes in my life, my family's life, and your life if you are ready for that change. If you are interested in the business side of Beachbody, I'm happy to talk about that, too!

Message me or call/text (469) 730-6469 with your name and what program you'd like help with or meal plan you'd like me to guide you through!


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