One simple secret for boosting your Immunity this winter

At just over $4 per serving, Shakeology is an incredible value. Each serving packs up to 17g of protein per serving along with whole-food nutrition from some of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet. This combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, phytonutrients and rare adaptogens is unparalleled. Beachbody is exceptionally proud of the benefits Shakeology delivers. Beachbody makes great efforts to ensure the high quality and purity of ingredients- when all of this is factored in, the value is truly impressive. Superfoods are key force fields in today's toxic world.

Each serving of Shakeology contains the same nutritional value as:

3 cups of romaine lettuce
4 cups of raw mushrooms
1 shot of wheatgrass
1 bowl of exotic fruit
3 raw onions
7 raw carrots
4 cups of non-fat yogurt
4 cups of red radishes
4 cups of raw broccoli
1 cup of peas
10 cups of cauliflower

Cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all cruciferous vegetables, which means they’re not only rich in antioxidant vitamins that give an immune system boost, but they also contain choline, a nutrient essential to a healthy diet. Choline keeps your cells functioning properly and also helps support a healthy gastrointestinal barrier, keeping bacteria safely confined in the gut. Cauliflower, in particular, is a beneficial food to eat when you’re sick because it’s also rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off infection.Buying all of these ingredients individually would cost approximately $41 versus just $4 for one serving of Shakeology!

So today is day 3 of my 3-day refresh during my 2nd round of the ‪#‎21dayfix‬. Today I chose the spinach salad from the 3dayrefresh menu but I think my colorful salad looks prettier than their photo, don't you?


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