Saturday & Sunday - 2 great days to enjoy your down time

Day 5 for me was cardio fix and then I had to go in to work for a bit - I got it all in & caught the last flight after work to my home in Texas ......

Juliette enjoys my shakeology spoon!

Dirty 30 On Sunday, seems wrong somehow??󾌩 I slept til 10a, woke up & looked at phone & then hubs & I rolled out if bed around noon. We both needed the rest. Juliette ( my kitty) was so snuggle-icious  I really was trapped to be honest. 

Eats were good - I'm not going to get in my purples today but I got everything else in!!

The 21 Day Fix Portion Control system is incredible. You get 7 containers shipped with the program that teach you exactly what you need to eat. They are even color coded for you so you know what should go in each containers. No weighing, no measuring, no worrying about what you are going to eat. The portion control containers make it easy. If it fits in the containers, you can eat it!

* Purple – Fruit
* Green – Vegetables
* Red – Protein
* Yellow – Carbohydrates
* Orange – Nuts
* Table Spoon – healthy fats
* Blue – Cheese, Hummus

There is even a container you can use to have a four ounce glass of wine if you like! Any workout program that lets you have a little wine is ok in my books!


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